
Mission of Fundação Terra

Mission of Fundação Terra: Serving the poor through the Education, Health and Social Actions, in order to overcome social exclusion and promote dignity, indiscriminately perpetuating the charisma to do good.

The Fundação Terra dos Servos de Deus (Earth Foundation of the Servants of God) is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that develops social projects in poor communities of the northeastern region of Brazil, in the states of Pernambuco and Ceará. Its three main areas of activity are: Education, Health Care and Social Service.

Officially, the Fundação Terra started in 1984 with a creation of a kindergarten in a community popularly known as “Rubbish Street”, which was located in the immediate vicinity of the rubbish dump of the city of Arcoverde, in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, distant 256 km from the capital of the state, Recife.

More than three decades of gradual achievements mark the trajectory of this institution created by Father Airton Freire.

Over the years, many wonderful things happened and the Rubbish Street has been transformed. Through the Fundação Terra projects, the community began to grow on the Rubbish Street, and the people’s reality has changed for the better. The population now has support and access to human rights. The people who worked recycling rubbish have been transformed.