Todos nós vivemos um estado de contínua tensão entre o já e o ainda não
Todos nós vivemos um estado de contínua tensão entre o já e o ainda não; entre o que queremos - porque ainda não o somos - e aquilo que buscamos e só em parte vislumbramos. Uma preciosidade, num corpo que é frágil, nós trazemos. Humana e, portanto, limitada, nossa natureza leva-nos a cair. Outra parte, a que como potencialidade trazemos, é a que nos abre chance para que, a cada queda, superemo-nos. Se sincero for o desejo de acertar, passos adiante, malgrado as quedas, poderão ser dados. Que seja, contudo, o amor a condição, sem o que, nada do que se tiver construído, permanecerá. (Padre Airton)
“We all live in a state of constant tension between what is and what still is not; between what we want – because we still are not – and what we seek and are able to visualize only partially. We carry a treasure within a frail body. Our human, therefore limited nature, causes us to fall. On the other hand, the potential within us makes it possible to stand up once again after each fall. Provided the desire to do the right thing be sincere, in spite of the falls, one may take steps forward. However, unless love is the underlying condition, all that is being built won’t last.” (Father Airton)
“We all live in a state of constant tension between what is and what still is not; between what we want – because we still are not – and what we seek and are able to visualize only partially. We carry a treasure within a frail body. Our human, therefore limited nature, causes us to fall. On the other hand, the potential within us makes it possible to stand up once again after each fall. Provided the desire to do the right thing be sincere, in spite of the falls, one may take steps forward. However, unless love is the underlying condition, all that is being built won’t last.” (Father Airton)