Se alguém já disse que amar é também perdoar
Se alguém já disse que amar é também perdoar, há também quem faça por onde testar o perdão da outra parte, a fim de certificar-se, por esta via, a verdade desse amor, onde está. Há pessoas que, para mostrar que amam, criam situações pelas quais venham a receber o perdão (“vai mesmo perdoar?”). Esquece-se, contudo, que o perdão, assim como amor, há de surgir na espontaneidade, numa maneira de ser e de viver, num jeito de compreender e entender. Perdão só faz sentido se for para restaurar um momento de quebra e abrir espaço a um novo tempo em que o encanto do reencontro seja possível. Perdão para retomar o momento de uma caminhada, sabendo que mais importante é o trajeto, mais que ações pontuadas. (Padre Airton)
“Someone already said that to love is to forgive; however, people test forgiveness so as to make sure about the truth of this love. In order to show they love, some people create situations so as to to receive forgiveness (“do you really intend to forgive?”). However, in so doing, they forget that forgiveness, like love, must emerge spontaneously, in a lifestyle and way of being, in comprehension and understanding. Forgiveness makes sense only if it is to restore a gap and begin a new period where the delight of an encounter becomes possible. Forgiveness in order to resume a moment in the journey, knowing that the most important is the entire journey rather than punctual actions.” (Father Airton)
“Someone already said that to love is to forgive; however, people test forgiveness so as to make sure about the truth of this love. In order to show they love, some people create situations so as to to receive forgiveness (“do you really intend to forgive?”). However, in so doing, they forget that forgiveness, like love, must emerge spontaneously, in a lifestyle and way of being, in comprehension and understanding. Forgiveness makes sense only if it is to restore a gap and begin a new period where the delight of an encounter becomes possible. Forgiveness in order to resume a moment in the journey, knowing that the most important is the entire journey rather than punctual actions.” (Father Airton)