Para conservar, há que se resguardar do que possa dissipar
Para conservar, há que se resguardar do que possa dissipar. Para se manter na espontaneidade o amor precisa acontecer. Contra o amor trabalha quem, por medo, não ousar acreditar. No receio de que se possa bater em retirada há quem não se permita ser aberto e claro. Da reciprocidade alimenta-se o amor e o perdão que por ele é dado. O amor precisa levar à superação dos próprios limites a dar um passo após o outro, mesmo que isto implique em riscos. O perdão é risco “o amor, da fé, malgrado o receio, de que seja outra vez negado”. O amor é mais do que tudo dele já veio a se dizer, somente quem ama pode perceber que ele guarda semelhança com o que se encontrava morto e depois ter voltado a viver. Perdoar é acreditar ser possível, outra vez, recomeçar. (Padre Airton)
“In order to maintain one must be careful not to dissipate. Love must be spontaneous in order to last. Those who are afraid and dare not believe don’t encourage love. For fear of a sudden retreat, some people don’t dare to be frank and open. Love and through love forgiveness, thrive in reciprocity. Love must lead to overcome one’s limitations and to take one step after the other, even though this may imply a number of risks. Forgiveness is a risk of love, of faith, in spite of the fear that once again it may be denied. Love is much more than anything that has been said about it; only those who love may notice that it has some similarity with what was dead and came back to life again. To forgive is to believe that a new beginning is possible.” (Father Airton)
“In order to maintain one must be careful not to dissipate. Love must be spontaneous in order to last. Those who are afraid and dare not believe don’t encourage love. For fear of a sudden retreat, some people don’t dare to be frank and open. Love and through love forgiveness, thrive in reciprocity. Love must lead to overcome one’s limitations and to take one step after the other, even though this may imply a number of risks. Forgiveness is a risk of love, of faith, in spite of the fear that once again it may be denied. Love is much more than anything that has been said about it; only those who love may notice that it has some similarity with what was dead and came back to life again. To forgive is to believe that a new beginning is possible.” (Father Airton)