Não existe ninguém a quem, alguma vez, não tenha sido preciso pedir ou conceder perdão
Não existe ninguém a quem, alguma vez, não tenha sido preciso pedir ou conceder perdão pelos seus limites, por suas faltas. Nenhum de nós, até aqui, é passível de poder dizer, um dia, verdadeiramente: pisei em falso, agi erroneamente. Reconhecemo-nos limitados, o que nos qualifica a dar passos em direção a um recomeço, em nova modalidade. Tendo o amor por condição, nele seremos, igualmente, perdoados. Os que amam verdadeiramente podem fazer surgir o novo onde antes pareceria impossível, inexistente. Se tu amares, tu te assemelharás ao Senhor teu Deus. Nele, muito mais do que supões, alcançarás. Verás. (Padre Airton)
“No person is exempt from having been asked or granted forgiveness, at one time or another, on account of his or her limitations or faults. Every one of us, so far, may truly say one day: I overstepped, I made a mistake. We recognize our weaknesses, which may help to take new steps towards a new beginning. As long as love is the underlying condition, we shall be similarly forgiven. Those who truly love, are able to make novelty emerge where it would seem impossible before. If you love you shall be similar to the Lord your God. You shall also see that in Him you may reach out far beyond your expectations.” (Father Airton)
“No person is exempt from having been asked or granted forgiveness, at one time or another, on account of his or her limitations or faults. Every one of us, so far, may truly say one day: I overstepped, I made a mistake. We recognize our weaknesses, which may help to take new steps towards a new beginning. As long as love is the underlying condition, we shall be similarly forgiven. Those who truly love, are able to make novelty emerge where it would seem impossible before. If you love you shall be similar to the Lord your God. You shall also see that in Him you may reach out far beyond your expectations.” (Father Airton)