Há quem se case e se descase. Há quem de casa não faça caso
Há quem se case e se descase. Há quem de casa não faça caso. Quanto descaso! Por acaso? Por quais casos? Dentro ou fora de casa? Isso é obra do acaso? O que dizer dos que se perderam por casos e disseram que não faziam disso caso? Casas e casas. Uns fazem do lar só uma casa; outros, de uma única casa, fazem o seu lar. Por que será? Por que assim tem sido? Por que se comportar como se nada disso tivesse a ver consigo? Como se o tema da casa nunca fosse algo sério a se colocar? Casa nós trazemos em nós, com ou sem nossos nós. E isso atualizamos em diversos momentos. Quantas moradas em casa há? Como interferem uns com os outros, esses que bem ou mal se querem? Quantos em casa esperam pelo que em casa não há? Casas e casas, e casam-se, cortam ou dão asas a que ou a quem? Nunca sim, sempre amém? Como se limite pra viver em casa nunca houvesse de se dar, colocam no lugar da casa - espaço do mais sagrado - coisas que não preenchem o vazio que na casa começa a habitar. No final, de tudo ou mesmo por tudo, estamos todos voltando para casa, em dia e hora nunca dantes marcados, o que independe do nosso querer e de nossa vontade. (Padre Airton)
“Some are marry or separate. Some don’t care about home, would that be a hazard? Why would that be? Because of what? Love affairs? Inside or outside the home? What about those who got lost because of love affairs and said it didn’t matter? Houses differ one from the other. Some people consider their home merely as a house; others, out of a single house make a home. Why is that? Why has it been so? And why behave as if this had nothing to do with oneself, as if this subject was not a serious one to consider? We carry our own home within us, with or without our flaws, and this fact we eventually update, as it comes to the surface in different occasions. How many “rooms” are there at home? How do those who hurt each other interfere with one another for good or evil? How many people wait for that which they can’t find at home? Hundreds and hundreds, yet they still get married. Whose wings do they clip? To whom or to what do they give free rein? Never a “yes”, always “so be it”? Quite often, as if nothing was forbidden, people gradually tend to substitute the sacredness of their home with foreign elements, which do not fill the emptiness slowly crawling into their house. In the end, notwithstanding all of this, we are all returning home, on a day and at a time which were never preset, which are quite beyond our will.” (Father Airton)
“Some are marry or separate. Some don’t care about home, would that be a hazard? Why would that be? Because of what? Love affairs? Inside or outside the home? What about those who got lost because of love affairs and said it didn’t matter? Houses differ one from the other. Some people consider their home merely as a house; others, out of a single house make a home. Why is that? Why has it been so? And why behave as if this had nothing to do with oneself, as if this subject was not a serious one to consider? We carry our own home within us, with or without our flaws, and this fact we eventually update, as it comes to the surface in different occasions. How many “rooms” are there at home? How do those who hurt each other interfere with one another for good or evil? How many people wait for that which they can’t find at home? Hundreds and hundreds, yet they still get married. Whose wings do they clip? To whom or to what do they give free rein? Never a “yes”, always “so be it”? Quite often, as if nothing was forbidden, people gradually tend to substitute the sacredness of their home with foreign elements, which do not fill the emptiness slowly crawling into their house. In the end, notwithstanding all of this, we are all returning home, on a day and at a time which were never preset, which are quite beyond our will.” (Father Airton)