Há pessoas que não têm casa e vivem na rua. Outras vivem na rua como se estivessem em casa
Há pessoas que não têm casa e vivem na rua. Outras vivem na rua como se estivessem em casa. Há pessoas que ocupam a casa, mas não fundam o lar e, por isso, permanecem alheias ao que lá se passa, como se lá não estivessem, como se o que ali acontecesse não lhes dissesse respeito, nada tivesse a lhes falar. São como presenças que não contam de ausências que muito falam. Pessoas há que, sem casa, perderam-se, desentenderam-se e, aos poucos, nem isto perceberam, até o dia em que, chegado o momento de saturação, descobriram que não dava mais para continuar da forma como vinha acontecendo até então. Perguntaram-se: como foi possível? Que outro jeito agora se pode ainda dar? O tema da casa é um tema que, de constante, haverá de nos acompanhar. Há pessoas, como disse, que, sem casa, perderam-se; outras viram e viveram perdas em casa. Isto casa? (Padre Airton)
“Some people have no home and live in the streets. Others are homeless and live in the streets as if they were at home. Some people occupy a house but don’t make a home of it, and this is why they are somehow strangers to what is going on there, as if they weren’t there at all, as if what happens there did not concern to them, and had no meaning to them. They are like a presence witnessing to an eloquent absence. Some people, with no home, got lost on the way, misunderstanding each other, and gradually, unconsciously, having reached a point of saturation, drifted away from each other, discovered that it was impossible to carry on as before. They then question themselves: how did this happen? Is there still a possible solution? Such issues as houses and homes will follow us throughout our lives. As I said, some people got lost with no house; others saw and went through terrible losses inside their homes. Do such things go along together?” (Father Airton)
“Some people have no home and live in the streets. Others are homeless and live in the streets as if they were at home. Some people occupy a house but don’t make a home of it, and this is why they are somehow strangers to what is going on there, as if they weren’t there at all, as if what happens there did not concern to them, and had no meaning to them. They are like a presence witnessing to an eloquent absence. Some people, with no home, got lost on the way, misunderstanding each other, and gradually, unconsciously, having reached a point of saturation, drifted away from each other, discovered that it was impossible to carry on as before. They then question themselves: how did this happen? Is there still a possible solution? Such issues as houses and homes will follow us throughout our lives. As I said, some people got lost with no house; others saw and went through terrible losses inside their homes. Do such things go along together?” (Father Airton)