A realidade está em constante mutação
“Para algumas coisas em tua vida estás começando; para outras, neste exato momento, estás concluindo, terminando; a outras estás dando continuidade e de algumas estás te despedindo. Para umas tantas coisas, estás dando os primeiros sinais de chegada; pois, em mutação constante está a tua própria realidade. Hás que ver, hás que ouvir, hás que posicionar-te em face dessas diferentes realidades, em razão de se ter claro o que vale a pena escolher e viver. Não te conviria usar de tua liberdade para voltares a elementos que já deram provas de nada valer serem por ti cultivados. Dá um basta a determinada situação e, ao mesmo tempo, toma coragem e formula uma decisão. Lembra-te de que, da forma como está, tão somente como está, não dá para continuar. Pois, a realidade está em constante mutação e, com o passar do tempo, saberias que a figura da própria realidade atual passaria e por novos questionamentos serias interpelado.” (Padre Airton)
“Right now something new is beginning in your life; at the same time some other experiences are coming to an end; a few others are being pursued and to other things you are saying good-bye. You “re just about to reach some goals; since your reality is in constant mutation. You must observe, listen and take a stand as you are confronted with different realities, so as to be sure as to what you should choose and live. It wouldn’t be wise to use your free will to go back to elements that have already proved noxious to you and unworthy of being pursued. Put an end to a given situation and, at the same time be brave and make a decision. Remember that the way things are, just as they are, it’s not possible to carry on. This is because reality is in constant mutation and as time goes by you would notice that the frame of reality itself has changed and that new queries have appeared to question you.” (Father Airton)
“Right now something new is beginning in your life; at the same time some other experiences are coming to an end; a few others are being pursued and to other things you are saying good-bye. You “re just about to reach some goals; since your reality is in constant mutation. You must observe, listen and take a stand as you are confronted with different realities, so as to be sure as to what you should choose and live. It wouldn’t be wise to use your free will to go back to elements that have already proved noxious to you and unworthy of being pursued. Put an end to a given situation and, at the same time be brave and make a decision. Remember that the way things are, just as they are, it’s not possible to carry on. This is because reality is in constant mutation and as time goes by you would notice that the frame of reality itself has changed and that new queries have appeared to question you.” (Father Airton)