The Earth Groups, those that the Lord has chosen to reveal the desire to live in Unity, have the mission of re-establish the loss of unity wherever it might be broken. Our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ (1 John 1,3), starting point of our union with one another.
Our spirituality is the one that pours from the wounded chest of our Lord Jesus Christ; this spirituality has its source in Mercy. Given a spirituality centered on the Divine Mercy, the Gospel shall be a real practice amongst us, wherever we are.
In the spirituality of the Earth Groups, we must keep our feet on the ground and our eyes turned towards heaven. We must practice faithfulness in little things.
Our charisma consists in revealing the Father as Christ revealed Him to us – each one living the unity of the charisma with his or hers individual talents – being aware of the needs of time, in our particular given place in this world, from which so many requests have reached us.
“We are in the world as yeast is to the dough, as rest is to the exhausted, as peace is to those who live in anguish, as a return is to the exiled. We understand ourselves to be what faith is to the unbeliever, what light is to darkness, what righteousness is to those who do wrong, and so, even in pain we are content. We are what we are: servants of mercy, brothers and sisters of Holy Hope.” (Fr. Airton Freire).
We are here to serve, and this gives meaning and reason to our existence. Because in Christ we are reconciled, we are servants of the Divine Mercy, servants through love and any action we carry out in the world shall express the genesis of our unity and identity.
We realize we must know the reality we face, in order to love those who are part of this same reality and we must serve them according to their needs, as best we can; we also know that what we do, reveal who we are.
After the visit of Fr. Airton Freire to the United States and England in February of this year, a kindergarten was opened at the Pax Christi Schola in Arcoverde, Pernambuco – Brazil. This preschool educational institution is attending 26 children of 4 years old that are being taken care of and nourished. We would like to thank you all for helping the Earth Foundation (Fundação Terra).
If you would like to know more about the Earth Foundation and Association which supports the work of Fr. Airton, please contact us.
UK Bank Account Name: Fundacao Terra – London
Bank: HSBC
Branch Sort Code: 40-06-21
Account Number: 02359413
“O que torna algo pertinente vem pelo quanto de amor efetivado estiver presente em tudo o que se estiver vivendo naquele momento. Só o amor confere verdade aos nossos atos. Ele, só ele, torna integrados coração e mente.”
Pe. Airton Freire