17 de novembro de 2012
servos da terra

Caros Amigos,

Quando penso que, na periferia de Belém nasceu Jesus,

Percebo que, entre nós, na periferia de Arcoverde, também está Jesus.

Quando leio na Sagrada Escritura que “não havia lugar para eles” (Lc 2, 7),

Percebi que, aqui em Arcoverde, vivem aqueles para quem não há lugar na sociedade.

Quando leio que “reis vindo do oriente” adoraram Jesus (cf. Mt 2, 11),

Leio que, primeiramente, por “pastores” ele foi visitado (cf. Lc 2, 16).

Diz a Sagrada Escritura que ele “manso e humilde de coração” (cf. Mt 11, 29).

Leio, também, que ele foi profetizado como “sinal de contradição” (cf. Lc 2, 34).

Então, concluo que o nascimento de um menino pobre, por nome Jesus, revelou a Face de seu Pai e questionou os valores de seu tempo.

A vocês, amigos da Fundação Terra, que nos ajudam a descobrir a Face de Jesus nos pobres deste periferia, um Feliz Natal.

Continuamos neste projeto de Vida e Esperança e daqui, pedimos aos céus por todos vocês.

Feliz Natal.

Deste servo e padre,

In Christo

Pe Airton



Dear Friends,

When I think that in the suburb of Bethlehem Jesus was born

I realize that in the suburb of Arcoverde, Jesus is also among us.

By reading in the Holy Scripture that, “there was no room for them” (Lk 2, 7)

I realize that in Arcoverde are living those who have no place in the society.

When reading that “the kings coming from the east” did adoration of Jesus (cf Mt 2, 11),

I remember that at first Jesus was “visited by shepherds” (Lk 2, 16).

The Holy Scripture says that He was “meek and humble of heart” (Mt 11, 29).

Also, I read that He was prophesied as “a sign that will be contradicted” (Lk 2, 34).

Therefore, I conclude that the birth of a poor child called Jesus revealed  your Father’s Face and questioned the values of His time.

To all of you friends that help us to see Jesus in the poor people of the Arcoverde suburb, Merry Christmas.

We will continue working on this project of Life and Hope and from afar we are clamoring to Heaven for all of you.

Merry Christmas.

From this servant and priest,

In Christ

Pe Airton



Liebe Freunde in Deutschland,

Wenn ich daran denke, dass Jesus am Rand von Bethlehem geboren wurde,

verstehe ich, dass hier, am Rand von Arcoverde, Jesus auch gegenwärtig ist.

Wenn ich in der Heiligen Schrift lese, dass es „ kein Platz für sie gab“ (Lukas 2, 7)

verstehe ich, dass hier am Rand von Arcoverde die leben, für die kein Platz in der Gesellschaft ist.

Wenn ich lese, dass „die Könige aus dem Osten “Jesus anbeteten (Matthäus 2, 11)

lese ich auch, dass ihn zuerst die„ Hirten“ besuchten (Lukas 2, 16).

Die Heilige Schrift sagt, dass er „sanftmütig und von Herzen demütig “ist (Matthäus 11, 29), aber ich lesen auch, dass er angekündigt wird als,, ein Zeichen, dem widersprochen wird“ (Lukas 2, 34).

Daraus ziehe ich den Schluss, dass die Geburt eines armen Kindes, mit dem Namen Jesus, das Gesicht seines Vaters enthüllt hat und gleichzeitig die Werte seiner Zeit in Frage gestellt hat.

Ihnen, unseren Freunden in Deutschland, die uns helfen das Gesicht Jesu in den Armen hier am Rand der Gesellschaft zu enthüllen, wünsche ich ein Frohes und Gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest,

Wir setzten hier unser Projekt des Lebens und der Hoffnung fort und bitten den Vater im Himmel für Euch.

Frohe Weihnachten vom Pater und vom Diener,

In Christus Ihr

Pater Airton


13 de novembro de 2012
servos da terra

Because when God look at us he does not see us. He sees Christ.

“For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” (Galatians 3, 27)

12 de outubro de 2012
servos da terra

Our Lady of Aparecida also known as (Portuguese: Nossa Senhora Aparecida) is a celebrated 18th-century clay statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in the traditional form of the Immaculate Conception. The image is widely venerated by Brazilian Roman Catholics, who consider her as the principal patroness of Brazil. Pious accounts claim that the statue was originally found by fishermen, who miraculously caught many fishes after invoking the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The dark statue is currently housed in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida, Aparecida, São Paulo. The Roman Catholic Church in Brazil celebrates her feast day every October 12. Since the basilica’s consecration 1980 by Pope John Paul II, it has also been a public holiday in Brazil. The Basilica is the fourth most popular Marian shrine in the world, being able to hold up to 45,000 worshippers.

The image has merited the Papal sanction of Pope Pius XI in 1929 by declaring her shrine as a minor Basilica, and by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1980, who reiterated the patronage of Brazil under the title of the Immaculate Conception.

Like all mothers, Our Lady, has a especial care for Her most fragile and vulnerable smaller children. That’s why in Brazil Our Lady of Aparecida and Children’s Day is celebrated on the same date.

With your support and generosity, Earth Foundation (Fundação Terra), presided by Fr. Airton Freire, will be able to provide professional eye care services to over 200 poor children who have been denied even basic health services.

Promoting health, preventing illness, treating the sick and injured; these are the cornerstones of the health projects run by the Earth Foundation (Fundação Terra).

Help us make a difference to the lives of these poor underprivileged.

Our bank account in London: Fundacao Terra – London, HSBC

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